.jpg) The Bay Area Council would like to welcome new families to the educational and exciting adventure of Scouting where Scouts spend their time outdoors, camping, swimming, hiking, learning life-saving skills, citizenship, community, conservation and much, much more! Venture (Crews): 8th grade and up or 14 through 20 years old, co-ed The Venturing program emphasizes: • Adventure • Leadership • Personal growth • Service Venturing enables you to: • Challenge yourself through a program that is fun and full of adventure. • Acquire specialized skills in the area of your crew’s interests. • Experience positive leadership from adult and youth leaders and be given opportunities to take on leadership roles. • Learn life values through the Scout Oath and Scout Law. • Give back to your community through meaningful service initiatives. • Be recognized for your accomplishments through award opportunities. • Discover and grow in a supportive, caring, and fun environment! Venturing Resources Learn about Venturing Annual Program Planning. Find helpful resources such as an Activity Questionnaire for the Scouts so you can see what their interests are, and a survey for adults so you can find out who has an SUV, etc.: https://www.scouting.org/programs/venturing/crew-resources/annual-program-planning/ Once you compile the Scouts interest and resources available to your crew, and costs, you can start to plan the year. - Are your leader’s trained?
- Do your Scouts want to go to a High Adventure Base? A canoeing trek? Do service projects? Do you have an RV? SUV? Did you know you can “borrow” kayaks from Camp Karankawa? Contact Camp Ranger DK Hopwood at (979) 248-4330.
Rank Advancement https://www.scouting.org/programs/venturing/venturing-awards-and-advancement/rank-advancement/ - Learn First Aid/CPR, Swimming, Canoeing, Kayaking, etc.
- Tier II or III trek (A weekend canoe trip or camping trip. A three-day crew road rally.)
- Serve on staff or participate in National Youth Leadership Training, Kodiak Challenge, National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience, Order of the Arrow National Leadership Seminar, Sea Scout SEAL Training, or Wood Badge
- Visit a High Adventure base – Philmont, Northern Tier, Seabase
Venturing Newsletters https://www.scouting.org/programs/venturing/connect/latest-updates/ Also, check other council calendars. Other council calendars - Sam Houston Area Council Venturing Calendar, https://shacbsa.org/venturing-calendar - Capital Area Council, https://www.bsacac.org/activities/venturing-activities/ - Longhorn Council, https://www.longhorncouncil.org/event-calendar-0 | |