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Journey to Excellence

“Journey to Excellence” is the Boy Scouts of America’s performance recognition program designed to encourage and reward success and measure the performance of our Council.

JTE is a collaboration with organizations like The Salvation Army, Habitat for Humanity, the American Red Cross, and many other community organizations that focus the power of volunteering on important community issues such as hunger, shelter, and health.

"Our aim is to build character, citizenship, and a sense of civic duty in our youth and all Scouting participants," the President of the BSA, said. "By integrating family values and activities with community service, the BSA hopes to create new traditions and lay foundations for tomorrow."

To find JTE requests from our community, please contact the Field Director Kelly Meacham at Or contact an organization directly to find out how your Scouting Unit may assist them.

Some of the project requests can also be used as Eagle Projects.


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