Webelos Woods 2022
Webelos Woods at Camp Karankawa is an informative and fun event for Cub Scouts in Webelos and Arrow of Light Dens. Participants will be formed into Patrols and begin to learn some of the basic skills like cooking (cowboy stew dinner on Saturday; eggs in a bag breakfast on Sunday), knots & lashings, first aid and more. The different activities are led by Scouts BSA youth and adults. Each participant will receive a patch.
TIME: Check-in at 5:00 p.m. on Friday. Check-out at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday.
DATE: September 30-October 2, 2022
LOCATION: Camp Karankawa 1459 FM 3249 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480
CONTACT: Jeremy Cuttrell at cuttrell.j@gmail.com, Joseph Dufresne at dufresne@utexas.edu, Kelly Meacham at kelly.meacham@scouting.org
WHO CAN COME: (This event is for all districts)
$35 Webelos Scouts, 4th grade / Arrow of Light Scouts, 5th grade (register before Sept. 3 for a $10 discount)
$5 Adult/Parent of Webelos or AOL - Register as "Adult/Parent"
Complimentary - Scouts BSA Youth & Adult Staff - Register as "Youth Staff"/"Adult Staff"
No Tigers, Wolves or Bears may attend.
We request that all Adults be registered BSA members. All Adults (registered or not) MUST be Youth Protection Trained. Bring a copy or digital copy of your training certificate.
BSA Health Form (Parts A & B)
Meals needed to pack - Dinner Friday / Breakfast and sack lunch for Saturday.
Field Uniform (Class A) & Activity Uniform (Class B)
Tent & sleeping gear
Change of clothes
Patrol name
Patrol flag
Patrol yell
Pack flag
MAX ATTENDANCE: We are limited to 8 Patrols of 10 Scouts. Sign up now!