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Bay Area CouncilThe Texas Badge

The Texas Badge

The Texas Badge Cub ScoutsThe Texas Badge is a patch Cub Scouts from 2nd-5th grade can earn while learning all about the great state of Texas.



Be an active Cub Scout or Webelos registered in a Pack in Texas.

State Symbols

  • Name the State bird
  • Name the State flower
  • Name the State motto - Friendship
  • Sing or recite the words of "Texas, Our Texas"

State History

  • Draw the six flags of Texas. Tell something important that happened when Texas was under each flag.  Here's a great resource to use. The flags they draw can be any size they want.
  • Name a famous Texan. Tell why that person is famous, and what you like or dislike about them.

Examples: Stephen F. Austin and Davy Crockett. Find resources HERE or HERE.

  • Visit a historical place in Texas. Tell about the important events that happened there. Battleship Texas a great field trip for families. (Update - It is scheduled to undergo repair on August 1, 2020.)

State Culture

  • Read a story about any Texas subject (fiction or non-fiction). Tell what you learned from the story. 
  • Find out about the Native Americans who lived near your community at any time. (Hint: Your Council Camp is named after a group of Native Americans from the area.) Tell about some of their history and customs. 

If you have already done any of these requirements for another Cub Scout or Webelos Scout award, you must do something different for the Texas Badge.

Once your Scout has completed all of the requirements for the Texas Badge, complete the application and turn it into your den leader to validate the completion and earn your badge. 

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