OA Spring Shoot 2025
This is a great opportunity for both new and current members of the Order of the Arrow to enjoy a day at the shooting ranges and share fellowship with your fellow Arrowmen. It is an opportunity to gather together and form bonds of brotherhood with other members in the lodge and have some fun!
The archery range and shotgun ranges will be open for shooting by both youth and adults. All participants will get a chance to shoot at the archery range, the shotgun trap range and at least one of the shotgun 5-Stand or Hi-Lo station. The cost of the event includes a lunch of pizza and soft drinks.
TIME: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
DATE: April 12, 2025
PLACE: Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480
COST: $25 Arrowmen, Complimentary for OA Annual Pass holders
CONTACT: Anthony Lusk at luskanthony@gmail.com
REGISTER BY: April 9, 2025