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Seabadge is a leadership and management training focused on the “how-to” aspects of managing a successful youth led Sea Scout program. While Seabadge was developed as an advanced leadership training program for experienced Sea Scout adult leaders the course is open to all adult Scout leaders.  The driving theme for the training is to “Focus on Youth”, which makes the course especially valuable for any Scout leader dealing with older youth.  Seabadge does not cover topics like boating, knots, or other program-related materials found in the Sea Scout Manual.

Overview & Purpose

Seabadge is a weekend course that begins Friday afternoon and concludes with a closing ceremony before lunch on Sunday.  Course participants and staff function as a model ship to help participants understand how a ship or youth-led unit should function. The curriculum includes twenty sessions, with established objectives, that are presented in a motivating and informative forum.

The objectives of Seabadge are to:

  • Improve the understanding of leadership, management, and motivational skills among adult leaders.
  • Provide management, leadership, and presentation skills and tools to adult leaders so that they may use and share them with others in their day-to-day Scout activities.
  • Use the skills and tools acquired at Seabadge to improve the quality of the Sea Scout program.
  • Encourage the development of lifelong contacts and sharing of resources by and between course participants and staff.

Participant Requirements

Course applicants must meet the following minimum standard requirements prior to consideration for participation in a Seabadge course:

  1. Is a registered adult member of the Boy Scouts of America.
  2. Has completed the basic training courses for their Scouting position and Leader Specific: Sea Scout Adult Leader Basic training.

Uniform Requirements

Sea Scout participants will wear the Official Sea Scout Uniform (or a legacy Sea Scout Uniform) as described in the Sea Scout Manual. Other Scout participants will wear their official Scouting uniform (official Scout leader shirt, Scout pants, leather or web belt, and official socks). 


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