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Bay Area CouncilScouting For Food

Scouting For Food

Scouting For FoodScouting for Food is a council-wide service project to care for people in our local communities who are hungry and those in need.

Scouts will help make a difference to fight hunger. Scouting for Food is the leading service program for Boy Scouts of America and is a part of the National BSA program - Good Turn for America.




Cub Scouts - Tiger, Team Tiger; Bear, Paws For Action
Scouts BSA - Service Hours

Units - These service hours can be entered in Journey to Excellence so the unit receives credit for participating in a service project.

Virtual Food Drives

Host a virtual food drive. Use your social media page to set a goal, spread the word, and collect financial donations. Did you know that food banks can turn every dollar donated into 2.5 meals? On Facebook, create a fundraiser, set a goal, and start collecting donations.

Front Yard Team Work

Host a food drive in your neighborhood and invite Scouts and other units to join you. Launch a front-yard campaign by having each Scout place a sign and bin in their yard to collect food and other supplies. At the end of the day, see what each Scout collected. Have each family donate the goods to their local food banks.

Contact Your Local Food Bank 

Alvin Area

Brazoria Area

Friendswood Area

Galveston Area

Pearland Area


With safety in mind, it is recommended that Scouts collect food by placing a sign and bin in their yard, or host a virtual food drive. When delivering food, please wear face masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands regularly.

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