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Sea Scout Academy

Sea Scout GalvestonEducation on the water

Sea Scout Academy is a regional Sea Scout learning experience directly related to Sea Scouts advancement and the development of youth leadership. Youth may choose from 1 of 7 tracks of study. Youth are taught advancement skills such as seamanship, navigation, crew drills and more. Sea Scout Academy takes place every January.


Classes offered

TRACKS (Youth): Seven training tracks are available for Sea Scout youth ranging from recruit (1st year) to Been There Done That (5th year). Tracks are designed based upon a typical advancement path as outlined in the Sea Scout Manual. Rank requirement references reflect advancement requirements in the Sea Scout Manual published in 2016. Youth on each track will be housed at Sea Star Base Galveston with the exception of Track 5 (SEAL Prep.) That track will be housed at Lakewood Yacht Club. All tracks will begin and end their weekend at Sea Star Base Galveston.

TRACK 5 SEAL (Youth): The Sea Scout Experience Advanced Leadership (SEAL) training program is designed to teach leadership skills while underway. SEAL is designed to “jump start” the junior leaders of new ships and to fine tune leaders of experienced ships. It is a hard core, physically and mentally demanding, and remarkably rewarding hands-on leadership experience.

For more information, contact Charlie Tinsley at

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