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Geocaching ScoutGeocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game where Scouts can locate hidden containers, called geocaches, using GPS-enabled devices and then share their experiences online.

Get Outdoors

Geocaching combines technology with outdoor adventure and is a great way to explore locations near and far. Add hiking, biking, birding, picnics and more!

The Treasure

A geocache contains a logbook or log sheet for you to sign. Caches may also contain items for trade, but the journey in discovering a geocache is often the greatest reward. Bring stickers, tiny trinkets, or toys to trade. Bring a pen or your own stamp, and a log book to record your finds.

Location, Location, Location

There are geocaches on every continent, from Antarctica to North America. They may be at your local park, the end of a long hike, or on the side of a city street. Hint - Check your local Council Scout Shop.

A Global Community

People from all age groups can participate in geocaching, including families with children, students, adults and retirees. Geocaching is a great way to bring families together while having fun outdoors.

Help the Council Build a Large Geocache Stash

Help the Bay Area Council by placing and logging your own geocache. Remember when naming your Geocache, add the words Cub Scout, Scouts BSA, or Scouting to your Geocache name.  Send your Geocache location to the Bay Area Council at, so we can add it to our list!


Cub Scouts - Wolf, Finding Your Way; Wolf, Paws on the Path
Scouts BSA - Geocaching Merit Badge

With safety in mind, it is recommended that immediate family members only go on geocache hunts. It is not recommended to go as a unit. Please wear face masks, practice social distancing, and wash hands regularly.

District Geocaches

Coastal District

Trail to Eagle Project Geocaches - FIND THEM HERE

Northern Star District

This one-mile orienteering course and geocache trail satisfies several requirements for Scouts of all ages from Cub Scout treasure hunt hikes to the geocache merit badge. Located in Pearland's Independence Park, it's a great summer activity for packs or can be used to train Scouts BSA members map and compass navigation. - FIND THEM HERE

Start Geocaching

1. Go to and register for a free account. Download the app.


2. Enter a location and click the magnifying glass to search.


3. Choose your geocache on the results page and click on its name.


4. Enter the coordinates of the geocache into your GPS device.


5. Use your GPS device to help you find the hidden geocache.


6. Sign the logbook and return the geocache to its original location.


7. Share your geocaching stories and photos online. Tag us online at #BayAreaCouncilBSA.


8. Log your experience at

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