Wood Badge - NST7-574-24-1 - Grow & Serve
Wood Badge is the premier adult leader training program in Scouting. The program highlights personal and leadership development with courses in team building, problem solving, communication, conflict resolution and many other useful skills. These skills can be taken directly back to packs, troops, ships, crews and teams to help leaders guide youth in dynamic Scouting programs. Wood Badge is a fun, challenging and inspirational Scouting experience for all leaders who wish to improve their leadership skills.
Here are some of the benefits:
• Transformation. The experience of the course is transformational; you will experience growth in your leadership skills and abilities.
• Line of Sight to the Youth. When working the goals set forth in the ticket, you will have a positive impact on Scouts, units, and districts throughout Bay Area Council
• What and why of Scouting. You will have a deeper understanding of the Scouting Movement and why we embrace it.
• Experience. You will learn and experience things that you will use in your personal life and your Scouting position.
• Fun. You will have fun and you will meet interesting people.
• Other groups. You will make your other groups, like work, church, even family, stronger
The Ticket
You may have heard about Scouters “Working their ticket” and wondered what that meant. The ticket is a group of five goals you set for yourself that contribute to the Scouting Movement. You can start working your ticket as soon as the instructional part of the course completes. You learn more about this in the course.
The Course consists of TWO FULL WEEKENDS Weekend #1 is Friday-Sunday. Weekend #2 is Saturday-Sunday. (Register for Weekend #1 only.)
Patrol meeting(s) between weekends.
Participants MUST ATTEND both weekends and all patrol meetings.
Wood Badge Weekend #1: Friday-Sunday, February 16-18, 2024, Check in at 7:15 AM on Friday. Check out on 5 p.m. on Sunday.
Wood Badge Weekend #2: Saturday-Sunday, March 9-10, 2024, Check in at 7:15 AM on Saturday. Check out on 5 p.m. on Sunday.
PLACE: Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480
Participants - $275 (3% Convenience fee applies.) $75 deposit required at time of registration.
Staff - $175 (3% Convenience fee applies.) $75 deposit required at time of registration.
Participants that register after January 18th may not receive a t-shirt. Doubleknot will charge a 3% transaction fee for each transaction.
PARTICIPANTS: Course size is limited to 48 participants.
(A minimum of 30 participants must be registered, with fees fully paid 30 days before the first scheduled date of the course per National BSA guidelines.)
PLEASE BRING: BSA Health Form (Parts A, B & C) completed within one year of course must be turned in for each participant.
TO REGISTER: Please have your name, address, phone, email, council, district, unit type, scouting position, and t-shirt size ready when registering.
CONTACT: Wood Badge Course Director Derick Meadows at dr_meadows@comcast.net.
REGISTER BY: Jan. 22, 2024. Wait listed registrations are not active, but will collect contact information. Available spots will be allowed on a first-come, first-serve basis. You will be contacted.