NYLT 2020
Course overview
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, must KNOW, and must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. Kodiak is not required for participation in NYLT or NAYLE.
NYLT models a month in the life of a unit. It represents an activity cycle in the life of a typical Scouting unit. The first three full days of the course represent the planning stages, complete with leadership council meetings, unit meetings and planning for a larger event.
Participants use the full range of BSA resources for planning and conducting meetings that are interesting, lively, and relevant; a skill participants can incorporate with great effect when they return to their home units.
NYLT participants put their preparations to the test with an NYLT Outpost Camp. This experience symbolizes the big event that culminates a typical unit’s activity cycle program.
During an NYLT course, participants find themselves going through the four stages of team development — Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing -- that all groups experience when brought together for a single, unified purpose.
Their challenges heighten the team development process, enabling them to use their awareness to construct a highly effective team that can reach its full potential. Along the way they also get to enjoy Scouting fellowship and fun.
Participants discover that leading themselves and others requires vision. Each team will develop a vision for the course, and each individual will prepare their own vision. A constant refrain of NYLT is “If you can see it, you can be it.”
Through presentations and positive experiences in goal-setting, planning, and problem-solving, participants learn how to set a clear course toward realizing their team and individual visions; and then how to put themselves in the center of those pictures of future success.
- Give participants the confidence and knowledge to conduct their own BSA program.
- Provide participants with a clear understanding of team and personal devining.
- Have a unit leader recommendation.
Age & Registration Requirements:
- Must be a registered member of a Scouting unit.
- Must have a current BSA Health and Medical Record form parts A, B, and C.
- As of March 1, 2020, Scouts BSA members (male and female) must be at least 13. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops. Scouts BSA are required to earn the First Class rank before attending NYLT.
- Venturers and Sea Scouts (male and female) must be at least 14, or 13 and have completed eighth grade, and fall within the maximum age allowance for their program. They must have completed Introduction to Leadership Skills for Crews or Ships. It is recommended that they have had at least one year of camping experience. While NYLT is not an outdoor skills course, it is important that each participant have basic camping and outdoor cooking experience.
- Have a unit leader recommendation.
TIME: Check-in at 8 a.m. Check-out at 6 p.m.
7 p.m., Date TBD, Orientation
(This is a mandatory participant and parent orientation. Participants will be oriented separately from their parents. Parents will receive a copy of the medicine release form and a packing list.)
July 19-2, 2020, NYLT Course
LOCATION: Camp Karankawa, 3249 FM 1459 Rd., Sweeny, TX 77480
$175 per Scout (Includes food, training materials & a t-shirt.)
$50 for staff. (Includes food & a t-shirt.)
MAX PARTICIPANTS: Space is limited to 48 Scouts, based on a first come, first serve basis
- BSA Health Form (Parts A, B & C)
- Hiking shoes and/or closed-toe shoes
- Youth leader handbook
- Water bottle, mess kit, eating utensils
- Toiletry kit, towels (2), wash cloth
- Overnight pack, day pack
- Sleeping gear, sleeping bag, pillow
- Backpacking tent, cot or air mattress, ground cloth
- Flashlight, compass, watch, sharpening stone, walking stick
- Personal first aid kit
- Sunglasses, mosquito spray, sunscreen, medication (Dispensed by Nurse)
- Sewing kit
- Pens & paper
- Religious book, camera (no cell phones, iPods or iPads)
CONTACT: Course Director Terri Brunt at mrs_brunt@yahoo.com or Program Director Aaron Christopher at aaron.christopher@scouting.org
REGISTER BY: July 5, 2020