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Bay Area CouncilBeach Clean Ups & Adopt A Beach

Beach Clean-Ups

Help keep trash out of our oceans and waterways by participating in a beach clean-up, or start a community service project by Adopting-A-Beach.


Beach Clean-Up Family ActivityBeach Clean-Up Adopt-A-Beach Scouting

This is a great way for families to safely get outdoors and help clean the beaches. Scouts can also earn advancements and conservation awards while participating in a community service project. Take a picture of the trash you collected and report back to your unit leader.

Texas Adopt-A-Beach Cleanup LEARN MORE

Ocean Education & Environmental Education Beach Clean Up at Quintana Beach. LEARN MORE or email


Did You Know?

Over 100 million marine animals are killed each year due to plastic debris in the ocean. Currently, it is estimated that there are 100 million tons of plastic in oceans around the world.


Cub Scouts - Tiger, Team Tiger; Bears, Paws For Action, Webelos, Project Family.
Scouts BSA - Hornaday Award, National Outdoor Award-Conservation.

Cub Scouts, Scouts BSA, Sea Scouts and Venturing - For a full list of additional Conservation Awards, visit Outdoor Awards.

Beach Clean-Up Organizations

Texas Adopt-A Beach

Turtle Island Restoration Network


The Texas Adopt-A-Beach program, an all-volunteer effort, is dedicated to preserving and protecting Texas beaches. The program's success is due to the generous efforts of dedicated volunteer county coordinators, coastal community leaders, sponsors and citizens. Strong support from the private sector helps carry our message to Texans all across the state.

The program strives to:

  • Raise public awareness.

  • Educate citizens about the source of debris.

  • Generate public support for state, national and international action to clean up coastal waters.

This is a great opportunity for your unit to Adopt-A-Beach. However, it is recommended that during COVID-19, immediate family members only clean beaches, then report your efforts back to your unit.

Find out more here.


With safety in mind, it is recommended that immediate family members only go to the beaches. It is not recommended to go as a unit. Please wear face masks, practice social distancing, use gloves, and wash hands regularly. It is also recommended that families go to the beaches on the weekdays, in the early mornings, or in late evenings when there is less traffic on the beaches.

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